Carpentry and woodworking have been hobbies of mine for many years. As a young married man I renovated a duplex that
served as a single-family dwelling for my children and my wife for forty years. The renovation included adding a second floor
onto the house, converting a bedroom into a laundry room and back entrance, and removing load-bearing walls between the
structures two kitchens. Many woodworking projects were completed over the years, all done with limited time and space.
Retirement brought a change of scenery, as we moved into the country outside of beautiful Fredericksburg, in the Texas Hill
Country. This move enabled me to turn my interest in woodworking into a craftsman’s daily delight. First, I needed
space, so I constructed a 720 square foot workshop with studio space for my wife’s artwork. Elsewhere on this website, the
building process is well documented.
I expanded my tool collection to include all I need to design and build new furniture and to restore old pieces. I love the
smell of the workshop, and the pleasure of being creative and productive with the pieces I make. It’s exciting to build a
beautiful piece from scratch and it’s rewarding to rehab a tired chair or rickety table into something that people would want to
have in their homes.
I also am a full partner with my wife, Gayle, helping her to bring her artistic vision into something visible and real.
This is Bobcat Ranch Workshop!
Lee built the workshop in 2016, almost entirely by himself.